Dystopian utopias



Ἀκροστιχίς ἐπῐ́διώκει τελειότητᾰ

Akrostikhís epídiṓkei teleiótēta

An Acrostic seeking perfection; or, The oldest, best, sharpest and foremost verse pursues perfection




'Dystopian utopias' and 'Ἀκροστιχίς ἐπῐ́διώκει τελειότητᾰ (Akrostikhís epídiṓkei teleiótēta [An Acrostic seeking perfection; or, The oldest, best, sharpest and foremost verse pursues perfection])' were published in Volume 8 of The California Poppy Times on 1 January 2023. To see

that material in situ, just following the hyperlinks embedded in the preceding text.


Later, these pieces will also be presented in an anthology to be produced in 2024.



Email: ThePeople@SpiritoftheAges.com                                                             


Copyright © Spirit of the Ages                                                              

Last modified: 02/27/23